McGregor Mirror Candidate Summary — from —
Good morning. I will be running information about the upcoming city and school elections in the next edition of The Mirror. I am inviting you to participate by providing details and answering a few questions.
Q1. Name as it will appear on the ballot
Dennis Paul Fehler – “At-Large” – City Council Candidate – [2023].
Q2. What is your vision for McGregor? Your top three priorities?
I seek to make McGregor a more affordable City to live in by:
- Proposing a more focused, better organized, accountable, and transparent City Management. a) The City should use “Project Numbers” for any City Contracts, City Fund Transfers, City Spending, [more]. b) All City Employees should keep daily/weekly/monthly “timesheets” so Voters and Managers know the actual work being accomplished and what that work costs taxpayers. c) The City Manager’s “salary” should be based on the money he has saved not the money he has spent.
- Insisting on genuine City Transparency. a) The City Council Minutes should be posted with the Council Agendas. b) All City contracts should be posted online – [proposed, pending, being discussed, and approved by Council]. c) More timely and better-organized City information on the City Website. d) Genuine open involvement by allowing a more diverse group of citizens to serve on City Boards and Commissions.
- Organizing a more responsible City Government focused on affordability. a) We require spending records and genuine fiscal responsibility that inform taxpayers “before” borrowing and spending. b) We should consider building more affordable housing in McGregor. c) The Council should focus on helping current residents that are systematically being taxed out of their homes. d) Better City Management communication and dialog with citizens. e) As taxpayers, we should all carefully investigate the management, borrowing, and spending practices of the McGregor City Government. We are $50+ million dollars in debt [2023] using Certificates of Obligation (COs] all without voter approval.
Q3. What civic organizations or other community involvement activities are/have you been involved in?
My Community involvement includes serving as a founding member of the McGregor, Water, Streets, and Taxes FaceBook Group, Performing at Founders’ Day, Volunteering to serve on City Boards and Commissions in numerous capacities, and Communicating with the City of McGregor for the past 10 years to address needed City changes.
For more information navigate to
Q4. Why do you want to serve on the City Council?
As a 4th generation McGregorite, I seek to be the voice for ALL the residents of McGregor and address the important issues within each of our 4 Wards with attention to each individual’s needs.
Q5. Any other information you would like to include? Family, employment, personal beliefs, strengths/favorite things about McGregor…
McGregor has always been my hometown and I care deeply about our Community and how the current City Management is functioning. I was born here and I choose to live in “small town” McGregor. I am an educator. I earned a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from LSU and a Master’s in Landscape Architecture from Harvard University. I have lived on both coasts of the USA, traveled around the world, done business internationally, and worked for and with Local, County, State, Federal, and Foreign governments.
I firmly believe in inexpensive Government at all levels.
For more detailed information navigate to:
Thank you for your consideration,
Dennis Paul Fehler
118-B South Main Street
McGregor, Texas 76657
Read why I am the Best Qualified Candidate